miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009


You gave me love,
you gave me life.
Here I am.

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

Desierto endurecido

Estaba en el desierto, aparecí de la nada, no había historial previo, no provenía de algún lugar, no iba hacia ningún lugar, solo dejaba en mi caminar una línea de suroeste a noroeste. Aparecían paredes montañosas a mi lado izquierdo. Algo estaba raro en ese lugar. De pie miraba la arena, ella no corría con el viento, el sol era intenso, mas intenso de lo normal. La arena se había endurecido, toda la arena de el desierto tenía formada una costra, la capa última estaba tiesa. El exceso de calor había comenzado a fundir la arena. Algo se sentía anormal. Lo podía percibir. Me inqué a tocar la arena, y rompí un pequeño agujero de su inmensa costra, bajo la dureza, la arena estaba sana, corría resbalándose de entre mis dedos. Trataba de resquebrajar mas y mas esa costra, para sacar a flote la buena arena.

Arena dorada y brillante,
¿que ha sido de ti?
¿porqué te haz dejado secar y endurecer por el alto calor?
¿porqué el viento dejo de soplar?
¿porqué escondiste lo mas bello de ?
El tiempo se detuvo y nadie supo de ti.
Cuánto ha pasado y tu seguiste así.

He venido sola para romper,
poco a poco en partes el eterno dolor,
parece inmenso y desgastante este calor.
Hoy bailo para darte un poco de amor,
la danza golpea mis cabellos contra tu desesperación.
Poco a poco iremos sanado el perdón.

Regreso otro día de noche para ver tu sucesión,
convirtiéndome esta vez en una serpiente feroz;
siento la arena sanando sin tanto calor,
dejando caminos marcados por donde pasó.

Es tiempo de salir cuando el cielo esconde el fulgor,
seguro es el camino que me ha marcado el Señor.
Grandes son mis colmillos rugiendo el terror.
Mientras nadie pasa por ese temor.
Sola me escondo de nuevo bajo la arena al sol.
Resurge de nuevo aquella bailando al fuego en ardor.
Porque incansable es siempre su eterno resplandor.

(Esto fue un sueño que tuve hace una semana y fue un aviso de lo que estaba por sucederme, hoy aunque no se ha sanado el desierto por ser tan inmenso, al menos se ha comenzado a quebrar una pequeña parte. Y todo va sucediendo tal cual lo vi.)

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

The Last Day of Anna's Life

White silvered and short hair old woman, thin, in a good shape for an 80 year old lady. She dresses in silver-blue color, watching a great view from her balcony, her house is built on a high mountain with a great lake at the bottom. She still lives abroad, and does not plan to ever return to her home town, which she does not know where it is located. Never was an important matter as she feels she does not belong to earth.
Knowing that the time is almost over, she anxiously wishes to cross the bridge between life and the unknown world, this is the world where she guess she belongs to. At least that is what she always thought.
She would miss her illusions, after all, that is what she feeds from during her whole life. Doing things that she shouldn't do is what her dreams are made of. But she does not feel regret, because it was for the well of her society. Her decisions of stop doing what she would have done by first impulses caused a happy and stable marriage, and children with a structured family. Although the silent pain never kept quiet en her soul, is still there waiting to meet her on the other side. -Probably- she tells to herself -I might find my illusions there- she still has the same faith as when she was thirty. She still believes that she might reach her unaccepted dream.
She looks back to her most important successes in her life, helping others; at least the most meaningful, those are the ones that still warm up her hart. Feeling others remembering others people's souls and gratitude. She gave herself deeply to many people, not in a warm and physical way, but with her presence, with her intelligence. She has the gift of dancing with souls, mix with them till you can not tell where is the beginning of her and the end of the others. She mixed with other souls due to the enjoyment of getting lost in them. Now she is waiting for the greatest blend to come. The one you only are admitted without body. This sounds to her like nakedness, like leaving behind the heaviness, to finally fly and get there, where they were waiting since then. The other exhausted lost souls.

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

mensaje de maestro

¨Habiendo comenzado el camino de la vida eterna, habiendo aceptado el deber y recibido órdenes de avanzar, no temas los peligros de el olvido humano e inestabilidad moral, no te preocupes por el temor a fracasar, o por la confusión que te deja perplejo, no vaciles ni interrogues tu estado y tu situación, porque en las horas sombrías, en cada encrucijada por progresar, el espíritu de la verdad simpre te hablará diciendo: este es el camino.

Hija mia, deja que las aguas fluyan, deja que tu energía salga, deja tu mano tendida hacia el infinito que es donde estamos, conócete, porque cuando tengamos necesidad de ti, tu estarás ahí, utiliza las herramientas que se te han dado ya que el camino está trazado y este se haya a tus pies esperando tus pasos.¨

Por Rahx,

February 08, 2007

Nieve en Holanda

Nieve en Holanda

Hoy vi pasar la esperanza del mundo,
Después de haber vivido el desalojo,
Luego de ver la tristeza,
después de vivir el miedo.

Hoy vi pasar la esperanza de el mundo.
Susurrando por doquier,
Cubriendo lentamente aprisa.
Es la blancura,
Es la caricia,
Es la suavidad de la esperanza.

El blanco baja flotando ligero desde el cielo,
Mandado para regalar dicha y paz,
Regalado para despertar un regocijo en el alma,
Enviado para mostrar un nuevo camino,
Recordando un momento sin pensar.

Qué parecida es la sensación,
Que surge como venida de esa Personalidad,
Qué parecida a la nieve es.
Es solo lo mismo.

Así que aquí estás,
has llegado de visita.
Y aunque se que por ahora,
Tarde que temprano partirás,
Te he tocado, te he sentido,
Resbalándote sobre mi piel,
Te he acariciado derritiéndote sobre de mi.
Mi calor te acepta y te disuelve,
Te atrapa y te absorbe,
pero no te aprisiona,
Solo te deja pasar como al agua,
Pero te disfruto en tu avanzar,
Me recorres lentamente antes de partir.

Así como es una mañana brillante de sol,
Así como es una tarde silenciosa un pájaro cantar,
Así como es un lago en sus aguas reflejar,
Así ha sido como una unión al universo sin decisión.

Así ha sido tu paso por mi andar, igual marcaste el día de hoy,
Con tus ligeras plumas dejando líneas en la humanidad,
Surcos en ese pasar,
En todas direcciones sin poderlas encontrar.

Rica y bella eres como esa Personalidad.


February 08, 2007

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

The Sea.

I function. Like the sea. One day I come as a very strong wave that brings a lot from the deep sea, and other time I disappear to hide in the deep sea because I feel unsafe on the earth.

But in this moment, the only thing I need is to keep calm, to do things that inspire me, to reconnect with myself, to hear my silence, to understand my needs. Meeting people distracts me. I only wanto to meet those who can bring me to the place I need to reach, any other distraction I have to remove it during this week. I am going to be in absence of multitudes because I do not want too many sounds combined, too many details to observe, too many things to intuit.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

The Last Day of Anna's Life

White silvered and short hair old woman, thin, in a good shape for an 80 year old lady. She dresses in silver-blue color, watching a great view from her balcony, her house is built on a high mountain with a great lake at the bottom. She still lives abroad, and does not plan to ever return to her home town, which she does not know where it is located. Never was an important matter as she feels she does not belong to earth.
Knowing that the time is almost over, she anxiously wishes to cross the bridge between life and the unknown world, this is the world where she guess she belongs to. At least that is what she always thought.
She would miss her illusions, after all, that is what she feeds from during her whole life. Doing things that she shouldn't do is what her dreams are made of. But she does not feel regret, because it was for the well of her society. Her decisions of stop doing what she would have done by first impulses caused a happy and stable marriage, and children with a structured family. Although the silent pain never kept quiet en her soul, is still there waiting to meet her on the other side. -Probably- she tells to herself -I might find my illusions there- she still has the same faith as when she was thirty. She still believes that she might reach her unaccepted dream.
She looks back to her most important successes in her life, helping others; at least the most meaningful, those are the ones that still warm up her hart. Feeling others remembering others people's souls and gratitude. She gave herself deeply to many people, not in a warm and physical way, but with her presence, with her intelligence. She has the gift of dancing with souls, mix with them till you can not tell where is the beginning of her and the end of the others. She mixed with other souls due to the enjoyment of getting lost in them. Now she is waiting for the greatest blend to come. The one you only are admitted without body. This sounds to her like nakedness, like leaving behind the heaviness, to finally fly and get there, where they were waiting since then. The other exhausted lost souls.